User Stories

Over 2 million assessments and surveys have been conducted using Tangerine, spanning 65 countries and over 80 organizations and researchers. Learn how our customers use Tangerine to empower education and research.

Pencils of Promise

Pencils of Promise (PoP) is a for-purpose organization founded in 2008 with the goal of increasing access to quality education by creating schools, programs and global communities around the common goal of education for all. In just 6 years, PoP has built over 300 schools and impacted more than 31,000 students throughout Ghana, Guatemala, Laos and Nicaragua.

Progresa con Educación

Progresa con Educación Honduras, a United States Agency for International Development (USAID)- funded Activity, works with the Ministry of Education of Honduras to integrate Tangerine into public schools to reduce the risks of school dropout.

School-to-School International

In 2013 in Pakistan, when School-to-School International conducted the largest Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) to date, data collection and entry were labor intensive and protracted. STS, which is based outside of San Francisco in Pacifica, assessed 30,000 students in 1,120 schools across Pakistan. The project required countless reams of paper, sets of pencils, and hours of data entry.

Okuu Keremet!

Okuu Keremet! (Learning Is Awesome!) partnered with the Kyrgyz Republic Ministry of Education to adapt and deploy localized versions of Tangerine:Teach (localized as BaalooApp) and Tangerine:Coach (localized as SabakApp) at scale. The project focuses on improving the quality of reading and mathematics education for early grade learners.

Somalia Growth, Enterprise, Employment, and Livelihoods Program

Feed the Future Somali Camel Leasing used Tangerine case-centric/logitudinal reasearch module to collect data both telephonically and in person in order to access camel leasing and pastoralists.

Center for Education Innovations logo

Center for Education Innovations

Tangerine’s role in providing an efficient means to measure student progress has been highlighted by the Center for Education Innovations (CEI) as an emerging trend and is now part of CEI’s list of “Emerging Technology Models.”

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